
Do not incriminate the brother who appears to be wealthier. Perhaps they are merely a slave to obligations.


Do not condemn the companion who was raised to a position of authority. He is probably a mere debtor to the multitude.


Do not envy the one who administers while you obey. Frequently they are suffering a painful process.


Do not disdain the colleague who is conducted to greater prominence. The responsibility that weighs on his shoulders can be an incessant torment.


Do not censure the woman who dresses luxuriously. For her, luxury is probably a bitter trial.


Do not criticise the polite in manner who seem insincere at first sight. Possibly they are avoiding serious crimes or great discouragements.


Do not fret over the ill-humored friend. You do not know all of his inner difficulties.


Do not become displeased with the person whose conversation is futile. You were also like that when you lacked experience.


Do not mutter against the inconsiderate young. Help them whenever you can, remembering that you were once considered to be irresponsible by many people.


Do not be intolerant in any situation. The clock ticks incessantly, and you will likewise face numerous difficult problems along your own path as well as on the paths of those you love.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 24.