
To be vigilant does not mean distrust. It means enlighten yourself by means of helping those who find themselves in the shadows.


To defend is not a matter of shouting. It is to render more intense service to causes and to people.


To help is not to impose. It is to give substantial support, without craving for personal recognition, so that the beneficiary may grow, become enlightened and find happiness of his own accord.


To teach is not to hurt others. It is to lovingly guide them towards the kingdom of understanding and peace.


To renovate is not to destroy. It is to respect the foundations, and so restore works for the general good.


To enlighten is not to argue. It is to assist through the spirit of service and good-will the understanding of those who lack knowledge.


To love is not to desire. It is to always be understanding, give of one's self, renounce one's whims, and to sacrifice ourselves so that the Divine Light of true love may shine forth.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 28.