Let Us Have Peace

"Live in peace with each other." Paul (I Thessalonians, 5:13)

If it is impossible to breathe in a perfectly peaceful atmosphere among the human beings due to the ignorance and hostility so flagrant in the human path, it is logical for the student to seek his inner serenity in face of the conflicts that seek to involve him constantly.

Each incarnate mind constitutes an extensive nucleus of spiritual government, subordinated at this time to just limitations, served by various powers reflected in the senses and in the perceptions.

When all of the individual centers of power are self controlled by mankind with ample movement toward legitimate righteousness, then, wars shall be exiled from the Planet.

To achieve this, however, it is essential that the brothers and sisters in humanity, older in experience and in knowledge, learn to have inner peace.

To educate the vision, the hearing, the taste and the impulses, represents the primordial basis for edificating pacifism.

As a rule, we hear, we visualize and we feel according to our inclinations and not according to the essential reality. We register certain information differently from the good intentions initially based, and yes, according to our personal internal disturbance. We observe situations and scenery in the light or in the shadow that absorbs our intelligence. We perceive with the reflection or with the chaos that we install in our understanding.

This is the reason why we must, as much as possible, maintain serenity around us, as we face the conflicts encountered in the sphere in which we are situated.

Without calm it is impossible to observe and to work for righteousness.

Without inner peace, we shall never be able to reach the circles of true peace.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 65.