The "No" and the Struggle

"Simply let your `Yes' be `Yes,' and your `No,' 'No.'" Jesus (Matthew, 5:37)

Love according to the lessons of the Gospel; but, do not allow your love to become a shackle, impeding your march toward the superior life.

Be of assistance to whomsoever needs your cooperation; meanwhile, do not allow your assistance to foster disturbances and vices in another's path.

Enthusiastically assist anyone who requests a favor of you; however, do not yield to frivolity or foolishness.

Open wide the doors of well being to those surrounding you; but, do not overlook the education of your companions to true happiness.

Cultivate graciousness and cordiality; however, be loyal and sincere in your attitudes.

Saying "yes" can be very agreeable in all situations; notwithstanding, saying "no" in determined areas of human struggle, is more constructive.

Trying to satisfy all the requirements of the path is to waste time and sometimes, life itself.

Just as "yes" should be pronounced without flattery or adulation, the, "no" should be pronounced without harshness.

In some instances it is necessary to contradict, so that the legitimate assistance is not lost. It is important, however, to recognize that the negative wholesome response is never a disturbance. What is disturbing is the blunt tone in which it is pronounced.

Manners for the most part, speak farther than words.

"Simply let your `Yes' be `Yes,' and your `No,' `No,'" recommends the Gospel. In order to agree or to reject, no one is obliged to be of honey or of bile. It will suffice to remember that Jesus is the Master and the Lord not only by what He does, but also, by what He does not do.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 80.