"Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth, peace to men on whom his favor rests." (Lucas, 2:14)
The hymn of the angelic legions in the Divine Night manifests the Father's devised plan regarding the apostleship that would be designated for the newborn Master.
The celestial praise synthesized in three little statements the platform for the whole of Christianity.
Glory to God in the highest, meaning our indispensable consecration to the Supreme Lord, from the bottom of our heart and soul.
Peace on Earth, translating into the brotherhood that must compel and motivate us in our every day life towards everyone.
Goodwill toward men, defines our obligations regarding spontaneous service to others, some ahead of others, in Humanity's great journey.
Christmas expresses renewal of the soul and of the world, comprised in Love, Solidarity and Work.
Formerly, those that declared themselves to be in service to God presented the winners' purple color piled over cadavers and spoils from the vanquished.
With the arrival of the Celestial Messenger, born in the manger, we have the Divine Victor gathering the weak, the sufferer, the poor, and the humble, for the revelation of Universal Goodness.
In the past, armies and entrapments, calamities and daggers, rains of mud and mire for the bloody conquests were utilized.
Now, however, a heart armed with Love opens to the understanding of all the pain encountering the souls.
It does not curse.
It does not condemn.
It does not cause pain.
It fortifies the good deeds.
It teaches and passes.
It aids and proceeds forth.
It consoles the afflicted ones without forgetting to consecrate the joyous marriage of Cana in Galilee.
It is comfortable with the disciples in the domestic garden; yet, it does not abandon the crowds in the public square.
It exalts feminine virtues in Peter's home; however, it does not belittle the misguided Magdalene.
It shares the plain bread with the fishermen; yet, it does not overlook the publicans' banquet.
It cures Bartimeu, the forgotten blind man; however, it does not disregard the deluded wealthy Zacchaeus.
It is grateful for the nobility of its friends; on the other hand, it does not scorn the cross among the thieves.
Christ in the Manger was a representation of the Father on this Earth.
The Christian in the world is Christ in life.
Christmas! Glory to God! Peace on Earth! Good Will toward Men!
If you can already hear the message of that Unforgettable Night, remember that Good Will to all is always our primary duty.
By the Spirit Emmanuel
Illuminating messages from the beyond. Espíritos Diversos. The Spiritist Alliance for Books, 2002.