Questions 17 to 20 - The Knowledge of the Origin of Things
Spirits's replies to Allan Kardec
17. Can humans know the origin of things?
"No. On earth, God does not allow everything to be revealed to them."
18. Will they ever be able to grasp the mystery of things now hidden from them?
"The veil is lifted as they become more and more purified, but in order to understand certain things they need faculties they do not yet have."
19. Can’t humans grasp some of nature’s secrets through scientific investigation?
"Science has been given to them for their advancement in all matters, but they cannot go beyond the limits set by God."
20. Outside the realm of scientific investigation, can humans receive communications of a higher order regarding matters that go beyond the scope of their senses?
"Yes, if God deems it useful, God will reveal what science cannot detect."
KARDEC, Allan. The Spirits’ Book. 3.ed. International Spiritist Council, 2011.
Allan Kardec's remarks:
The more humans are allowed to grasp such mysteries, the more they should admire the power and wisdom of the Creator. However, whether through pride or through weakness, their own minds often render them victims of illusion and they pile theory upon theory. Every day they see how many errors they have mistaken for truths and how many truths they have dismissed as errors. These realizations are further blows to their pride.