Questions 35 to 36 - Universal Space
Spirits's replies to Allan Kardec
35. Is universal space infinite or limited?
"Infinite. If it had limits, what would be beyond them? I know this baffles your reason, yet reason itself tells you that it can be no other way. The same is true of the idea of the infinite – you will never be able to comprehend it from your tiny sphere of thinking."
36. Is there an absolute void in any part of universal space?
"No, there is no void. What appears to you to be a void is actually occupied by matter that cannot be detected by your senses or instruments."
KARDEC, Allan. The Spirits’ Book. 3.ed. International Spiritist Council, 2011.
Allan Kardec's remarks:
Suppose we were to imagine a limit to space. No matter how far out our thought may place it, reason tells us that there must still be something beyond it, and so on and so forth to infinity. Even if there were only an absolute void beyond that limit, there would still be space.