The "No" and the Struggle

"Simply let your `Yes' be `Yes,' and your `No,' 'No.'" Jesus (Matthew, 5:37)

Love according to the lessons of the Gospel; but, do not allow your love to become a shackle, impeding your march toward the superior life.

Be of assistance to whomsoever needs your cooperation; meanwhile, do not allow your assistance to foster disturbances and vices in another's path.

Enthusiastically assist anyone who requests a favor of you; however, do not yield to frivolity or foolishness.

Open wide the doors of well being to those surrounding you; but, do not overlook the education of your companions to true happiness.

Cultivate graciousness and cordiality; however, be loyal and sincere in your attitudes.

Saying "yes" can be very agreeable in all situations; notwithstanding, saying "no" in determined areas of human struggle, is more constructive.

Trying to satisfy all the requirements of the path is to waste time and sometimes, life itself.

Just as "yes" should be pronounced without flattery or adulation, the, "no" should be pronounced without harshness.

In some instances it is necessary to contradict, so that the legitimate assistance is not lost. It is important, however, to recognize that the negative wholesome response is never a disturbance. What is disturbing is the blunt tone in which it is pronounced.

Manners for the most part, speak farther than words.

"Simply let your `Yes' be `Yes,' and your `No,' `No,'" recommends the Gospel. In order to agree or to reject, no one is obliged to be of honey or of bile. It will suffice to remember that Jesus is the Master and the Lord not only by what He does, but also, by what He does not do.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 80.

The "but" and the Disciples

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Paul (Philippians, 4:13)

The dedicated disciple affirms:

"I possess nothing of my own that is good, but Jesus will provide the resources according to my needs."

"I do not have the perfect knowledge of the road, but Jesus will guide me."

The lazy student declares:

"I do not doubt the kindness of Jesus, but I do not have the strength to fulfill the Christian task."

"I know that the road remains in Jesus, but the world does not permit me to follow Him."

The first one skids the mountain of decision. He identifies his personal weaknesses; meanwhile, he is confident in the Divine Friend and deliberates in following his lessons.

The second one enjoys the rest in the valley embedded in inferior experience. He is aware of the blessings that the Master conferred to him; however, he prefers to slip away from them.

The first fixed his mind in the Divine Light and continues forward. The second halted his thoughts on his own limitations.

The "but" is the conjunction that in verbal processes usually defines our intimate position concerning the Gospel. Situated in front of the Sacred Name, it expresses firmness and confidence, faith and valor; although, when localized after him it places us in indecision and uselessness, impermeability and indifference.

Only three letters denounce our route.

"Thus, my principles recommend, but Jesus asks for something else."

"It is thus that Jesus suggests, but I cannot do it."

Through one simple and small word we profess the faith or confess our inefficiency.

Remember that Paul of Tarsus, nonetheless, after being pursued and beaten, still victoriously affirmed to the Philippians:

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 79.

According to the Flesh

"For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die." Paul (Romans, 8:13)

To the one who lives according to the flesh, that is, in conformance with the inferior impulses, the station of terrestrial struggle is no more than an empty series of events.

At each moment, limitation shall be an incessant phantom to him.

An overwhelmed brain due to negative concepts will encounter death at each step.

For the conscience that had the misfortune to hold on to such dark concepts, the human existence will not be more than a sad comedy.

Through the suffering, the cause of despair will be identified.

Through the work, destined for his spiritual purification, he feels the climate of revolt.

He will not be able to rely on the blessing of love, because, in face of his own personal appreciation, the ties of affection are simple mechanical accidents of his eventual desires.

Pain, which is the benefactor and preserver of the world, becomes intolerable; discipline becomes a prison of anguish, and service to others a difficult humiliation.

He is never forgiving, nor does he know how to renounce. He hates to cede to anyone, and when he is helpful he expects the servitude of a slave in return.

Wretched is the individual that lives, breaths, and acts according to the flesh. The conflicts of possession torment his heart for an indefinite length of time, with the same heat of savage life.

But "woe be unto him" because the renovating hour will always resound! If he escaped the atmosphere of immortality, if he asphyxiated the aspiration of his own soul, if he evaded the healthy exercise of suffering, if he increased appetites and pleasures by absolute integration with the "inferior side of life," what could he expect at the end of the physical body, except the grave, shadow and impossibility into the cruel night?

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 78.

To Respond

"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Paul (Colossians, 4:6)

To respond advantageously to heterogeneous intelligence requires superior qualities that the individual should make an effort to achieve.

Not all the arguments can be directed indistinctly to the collectivity of comrades that strive among themselves in the evolving and redeeming tasks. It is necessary to refute each one with certainty. To the one that works in the country, we should not respond with references to the spectacular activities of the city. To the person that discusses the roughness of his own individual path, we should not reply with highly scientific remarks.

First of all, it is imperative not to be disagreeable to the listener, tempering the verbal attitude with legitimate comprehension of the problems in life. It would be considered as our duty to make a contribution, so that those who have deviated from simplicity and usefulness can be readjusted.

Every response in an important matter is a remedy. It is indispensable to temper the proper dose aiming at the effects. Each individual will tolerate and benefit from the proper dynamism. The very solution of truth and love in themselves should not be given without observing the same criteria. If applied in inadequate proportions, the truth could destroy, as often as, love commonly loses.

Even though you are questioned by the greatest evildoer, you should maintain a pleasant and dignified manner, in order to be clear and informative. Knowing how to respond is a virtue from the sphere of celestial wisdom. For your own good, do not forget the best method of caring for each individual.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 77.

The Witnesses

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders." Paul (Hebrews, 12:1)

This concept of Paul of Tarsus should be given special consideration, by the student of the Gospel.

Each human existence is always an important day of struggle - a generous step toward the infinite ascension ­ and with every position taken, the individual shall always be surrounded by an enormous legion of witnesses. We are not only referring to those that form part of our own family circle, but also, above all, the friends and benefactors of each individual who observe him in the many different angles of life, from the higher spheres of the superior spirituality.

All over the world the disciple is surrounded by large clouds of spiritual witnesses that follow his every step taking note of his attitudes; because, no one accomplishes the terrestrial experience by chance without solid reasons based on love or justice.

Prior to reincarnation, generous spirits endorsed the pleadings of the repentant soul, judges acted upon the corresponding processes, friends interceded in the service of assistance, contributing to the organization of the particulars required of the redeeming struggle. Those brothers and educators thereby become permanent witnesses of the pupil, during the length of time the new task is in progress. They speak to him without words in the innermost reaches of his conscience. Fathers and sons, husbands and wives, and brothers and blood relatives of the world are protagonists in the evolutionary drama. The watchful observers, generally, remain on the other side of life.

Do as much good as possible toward your associates in the struggle, on this day, and do not forget those who accompany you, in spirit, truly preoccupied and lovingly.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 76.