Some Christian Privileges

Maintaining supreme faithfulness to God.

Forgetting personal desires while attending to Superior Designs.

Humbling oneself so the hand of the Lord may be exalted.

Overcoming oneself.

Renouncing joyfully for the benefit of others.

Reaping eternal profit from temporary losses.

Working to build the Divine Kingdom.

Maintaining hope, while others despair.

Entering into the temple of silence in the midst of commotion.

Maintaining one's faith above the torment of doubts.

Silencing oneself in time to avoid hurting others.

Speaking constructively.

Listening to the Divine Friend when in solitude.

Serving without compensation.

Enduring one's own cross with valour.

Learning and profiting from one's suffering.

Loving, without demanding.

Helping in secret.

Sowing with Christ, detached from the results.

Finding brothers and sisters in all places.

Cultivating the pleasure of being useful.

Discerning the just worth of causes and of things.

Purifying evil.

Assisting those who err with sincerity.

Forgiving as many times as necessary.

Overcoming obstacles.

Preserving joyfulness and sweetness.

Maintaining cheerfulness.

Detaching oneself from the deceits of the world before the world deceives us.

Persevering on the side of goodness to the end.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 3.