Brothers And Sisters In Danger

Are those who wish to transform others, from one day to the next, by the force of mere words.


Are those who give intelligent opinions and good advice to everybody, while being heedless of their own problems.


Are those who place their minds completely in another world without attending to the duties of the world in which they live.


Are those who are constantly concerned about defending themselves.


Are those who plan ten marvelous projects each day without materialising even one of them in ten years.


Are those who recognize the grandeur of the Divine Truths, but never find time to cultivate them in favor of their own illumination.


Are those who continually postpone till tomorrow the task of understanding and loving others.


Are those who regard themselves exclusive proprietors of all the work within the field of charity without distributing opportunities of service to others.


Are those who declare forgiveness of the offense, but are never able to forget the injury.


Are those who find occasion to become weary of life.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 8.