In Grave Moments

Be calm. Life, as a state of struggle, can be good; but the state of war is never a good life.


Do not deliberate hurriedly. Circumstances, being the offspring of Superior Designs, modify our experiences minute by minute.


Avoid inopportune tears. They can complicate enigmas instead of solving them.


If you have erred disastrously, do not sink into despair. Standing up again is the best measure for one who falls.


Be patient. If you cannot dominate yourself, then it is useless for you to seek understanding from someone who does not as yet comprehend you.


If the question is excessively complex, wait one more day or one more week in order to resolve it. Time does not pass in vain.


On the pretext of defending someone, do not enter into a noisy circle. There are those who make a great deal of noise as a matter of preference.


Be moderate in your resolutions and attitudes. In moments of gravity your spiritual realities become more visible.


Be moderate in your resolutions and attitudes. Our spiritual reality is more visible in grave moments.


Take care in any kind of evaluation alluding to second or third persons. On similar occasions, others will be called upon to evaluate you.


Never proclaim your individual merits since any excellent quality is very problematical within the frame of our spiritual acquisitions. Remind yourself that virtue is not a voice that speaks, but rather a power that radiates.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 10.