Always Help

When faced by the night, do not reproach its darkness. Learn to disperse it with light.


To condemn the swamp is useless. Help it to become purified.


Along a stony road, do not throw rocks at others. Employ the stones in useful works.


Do not condemn the clamour of others. Teach them a profitable lesson by your silence.


When faced by difficult situations, do not be swayed by uncertainty. Confront them with a clear conscience.


It is useless to blame the thorn bush. Remove it with kindness.


Do not criticise the barren ground. Fertilize it instead.


Do not reproach the desert. Help to dig a well under the burning sand.


There is no advantage in disapproving when everyone else disapproves. Instead uphold your brother or sister with a kind word.


It is always easy to observe and identify evil. However, what Christ expects from us is the discovery and cultivation of goodness so that Divine Love may be glorified.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 12.