In Reality

A tempest frightens. However, it will strengthen our ability to endure if we know how to receive it.


Pain lacerates. But it will perfect our hearts, if we seek to profit from its passage.


Misunderstanding hurts. Nevertheless, it offers us an excellent opportunity to cultivate serenity.


Struggle disturbs. However, it will be the bearer of invaluable benefits if we accept its contribution.


Desperation destroys. In the face of it, however, we find the opportunity to cultivate serenity.


Hate obscures. Still, it can unveil a blessed horizon for the revelation of love.


Misfortune overwhelms. Yet, it prepares us to better console others.


Shock terrifies. However, within it we can find the blessings of renewal.


Trials torment us. Nevertheless, without them, learning becomes impossible.


An obstacle displeases. But it is the true producer of elevation and capability.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 13.