In Truth

The saint does not condemn the sinner. He helps him without being presumptuous.


The wise person does not ridicule one who is ignorant. He instructs him in a brotherly manner.


The enlightened person does not insult those walking in darkness. He illuminates their path.


The instructor does not blame the stumbling apprentice. It is the insecure sheep which most needs the shepherd.


The good person does not persecute the one who is bad. They assist them to better themselves.


The strong person does not malign the weak. They help them to raise themselves up.


The humble person does not avoid one who is proud. They cooperate silently in their favour.


The sincere person does not disturb others. They bring harmony to all.


The unpretentious do not criticise the vain. Whenever necessary they help without ostentation,.


The Christian does not hate or hurt. He follows Christ, serving the world.


Otherwise, titles of virtues would only be external coverings which time would destroy.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 17.