Ascend Higher

Do not be hurt by slander. Live in such a way that no one will believe the slanderer.


Do not be set back by perturbations. Follow your path attending to the superior purposes of life, because the makers of confusion will be many.


Do not be concerned with unwarranted accusations. You can realize many valuable plans to counteract the unjust accusers.


Do not be troubled by untoward mistrust. You can employ your clear conscience in honest service anywhere.


Do not become discouraged by criticism. Censure is something within everyone's reach, but elevated achievements are the work of only a few.


Do not become disheartened by unfavourable opinions. If you remain devoted to goodness, the approval of your own conscience will prevail over any other opinion, no matter how respectable.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 25.