
Your conversation indicates the directions you have chosen in life.


Your decisions, taken in grave moments, identify the true position of your Spirit.


Your attitudes, within the daily struggles, speak of your inner climate.


Your impulses define the mental zone in which you prefer to operate.


Your thoughts reveal the kind of spiritual companion you keep.


Your reading habits define your sentiments.


Your personal treatment of others demonstrates the point to which you have progressed.


Your requests shed light upon your objectives.


Your opinions reveal the true place which you occupy in the world.


Your days are marks along the pathway of evolution. Do not forget that great assemblies of companions, both incarnate and discarnate, know your personality and follow you along your pathway by the signs you leave behind.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 32.