Be Prepared

Balance your sense of justice, subtracting from it any inclination towards vengeance.


Be on guard against your fearlessness, lest it become an act of recklessness.


Analyse your firmness, so that it will not be transformed into petrification.


Illumine your directives, so they will not be converted into tyranny.


Examine your cleverness, so avoiding your internment within villainy.


Take care that suffering does not become revolt.


Control your resentments, to avoid installing them in the sinister house of hatred.


Keep watch over your frankness, so that your words will not distil poison


Watch over your enthusiasm, so that it will not constitute thoughtlessness.


Cultivate your noble zeal, but do not turn it into a dark primer of violence.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 34.