Learn With Nature

The sun shines from on high, in order to help everyone.


The stars group themselves in order.


The sky has its timetable for hours of light and of darkness.


Although it continues to be linked to the soil, the vegetable abandons the dark hole in search of light so that it may produce.


The bough that survived the storm yielded to its passage, nevertheless it continues to maintain its appropriate place.


The rock guarantees the life of the valley, by resigning itself to solitude.


The river reaches its objectives because it has learned to flow around obstacles.


The bridge serves the public without making exceptions, by asserting itself against extremism.


The vase is useful to the potter, after enduring the heat of the kiln.


The gem shines, after submitting to the files of the stonecutter.


The canal is able to fulfil its finalities, because it does not lose access to the reservoir.


The harvest always yields in accordance with the purposes of the sower.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 35.