Liberate Your Soul

Do not become attached to the beauty of ephemeral forms. The flower lasts but briefly.


Do not heap up precious things that weigh in the scale of the world. Golden chains can bind as much as bronze handcuffs.


Do not become a slave to opinions of the frivolous or ignorant. Incitatus, Caligula's horse, ate from a bucket adorned with pearls, still it did not stop him from being a horse.


Do not nourish the greed for possessions. The coin collector's house is full of coins which served millions, but whose owners have disappeared.


Do not give up your constructive freedom because of human opinions. The trap that punishes the ferocious animal is the same that surprises the negligent canary.


Do not believe in the flattery which lends you imaginary qualities. Cruel wasps frequently hide themselves in the calyx of the lily.


Do not worry afflicted over acquiring immediate benefits during the Earth experience. Museums crammed full of the cloaks of kings and of other "cadavers of dead advantages."

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 37.