With Jesus

Renunciation will be a privilege for you.


Suffering will glorify your life.


Tests will expand your powers.


Work will be as a mark of confidence along your pathway.


Sacrifice will sublimate your impulses.


Bodily illness will be a beneficial remedy for your soul.


Slander will honour your task.


Persecution will be a motive for you to bless many.


Anguish will purify your hopes.


Evil will summon your spirit to the practice of goodness.


Hate will challenge your heart to manifestations of love.


The Earth, with all its contrasts and unceasing renewals represents a blessed school of individual perfection in whose purifying lessons you will leave selfishness crushed forever.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 39.