Help Your Self

Covet nothing belonging your neighbour unless it be the excellent qualities that adorn his spirit.


Do not let annoyances govern the helm of your destiny.


Do not deliver the temple of your memory to bad impressions.


Do not detract the spiritual aspects from your experiences.


Do not forget that the higher ideal, which is the object of your admiration, should become manifest on your pathway.


Do not be enslaved by evil; meanwhile, do not shun the obligations of brotherhood towards those who have been attacked by evil.


Do not put out the torch of faith during days of brightness, so as not to be deprived of light during the dark ones.


Do not run away from the lessons to be learnt along your evolutionary path, however difficult or painful they may be, so that later on life may open up the sanctuary of wisdom to you.


Do not neglect to find the time to cultivate what is beautiful, eternal and good.


Do not forget that justice establishes universal order, but that it is only love which expands the work of God.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 49.