
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." (I Peter, 5:7)

Anxieties trigger many crimes on Earth and are never constructive.

Invariably, the anxious man has all the odds against him.

In opposition to these anxious disquieting moments the lessons about the patience of Nature appear in every sector of human pathways.

If man had been born to be constantly anxious, it would be, as if to say that he had come to this Earth not in the category of a sanctifying laborer, but rather as a desperate unpardonable soul.

If human beings could reflect more sensibly, they would be able to recognize the actual context of service that the moments of each day can offer. They would try to be more vigilant, and give proper value to their own assets.

Undoubtedly the scenery changes constantly, obliging us to encounter unpleasant surprises, as a result of our inadequate attitudes while experiencing happiness or pain. However, an essential imposition of the Law obliges us to proceed daily in the direction of goodness.

Anxiety will try to coerce gentle hearts because the terrestrial pathways unfold many dark corners and almost unsolvable problems. Nevertheless, let us not forget the prescription that Peter has given us.

Place your concerns and disquieting fears in the hopes you have in the Celestial Father, because Divine Love desires the well being of all of us.

It is just to ardently desire the victory of Light, to persevere in search of peace, to discipline yourselves for your union with the superior planes, to insist in synchronizing with the more evolved spheres. However, bear in mind that anxiety always precedes a fall.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 8.