In Chains

"For which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." Paul (Ephesians, 6:20)

In this chapter we observe the apostle of the gentiles in an affirmation that, at first glance, appears to be contradictory.

Paul alleges his condition to be of an emissary in chains and simultaneously declares that this occurs, so that he can serve the Gospel as freely as needed.

The great worker was addressing the companions at Ephesus, referring to his distressing situation as prisoner of the Roman authorities; meanwhile, because of this and the difficult testimony, his spirit was more at liberty for the service that he had to perform.

This panorama is significant for those who are waiting for economic financial independence or greater liberty in the world in order to exemplify the Evangelical Teachings.

There are many people who feel that they should wait for material abundance and earthly facilities in order to attend to the Christian ideals; but, this does not make sense. The service displayed by Jesus is designated for all places.

Paul, while in chains, seems to feel more at liberty to preach the Truth. Naturally, not all disciples will be crossing those peaks of testimony. But all, without distinction, bring along with them the saintly chains of the daily obligations in the home, at work, in the hourly routine, in society and in the family.

No one, therefore, should be intent on breaking the chains in which he finds himself, in the erroneous supposition that he will be a candidate for a better position in the work place of the Christ.

Only our duties correctly fulfilled will confer us access to a legitimate freedom.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 53.