In the Presence of Jesus

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Paul (Colossians, 3:25)

The understanding of service to Jesus, among human beings will in the future reach greater depths for the glorification of the One who watches over us closely, and who has done so since the very first day, illuminating our path with the Divine Light.

If each educated person could ask himself regarding the essential reason for his activities here on Earth, he would always find in his inner sanctuary vast horizons of deductions of infinite value.

For whom has he worked in this century?

To whom has he offered the fruits of his everyday work?

We do not wish to detract from the respectable position of the countries, of the organizations, of the family, or of the personality; however, we cannot fail to observe their expression of relativity in time. In the course of the years, frontiers are modified, laws evolve, the domestic group is renewed and mankind progresses toward more elevated destinies.

Everything that represents effort on the part of man was accomplished through his own initiative in the field of permanent work for Jesus Christ. Whatever we have realized through the centuries constitutes a benefit or an offence to ourselves in the labors that belong to the Lord, and not to us individually. Legislators and governors depart in time with their own individual baggage, and Jesus remains, in order to evaluate the advantage or disadvantage of the collaboration of each one of us in the Divine Service of evolvement and enlightenment.

Administration and obedience, the responsibility of tracing and following, are only subdivisions of the concession conferred by the Lord to the followers.

Dignified work is a saintly opportunity. Within the circle of service, the attitude of each human being will either honor or dishonor his eternal personality, in the presence of Jesus Christ.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 57.