Jesus on Behalf of Mankind

"And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death ­ even death on a cross!" Paul (Philippians 2:8)

The Master descended in order to serve,

From splendor into darkness...

From eternal dawn to total night...

From the stars to the manger...

From the infinite to limitation...

From glory to carpentry...

From grandeur to abnegation...

From the divinity of the angels to the misery of mankind...

From the company of sublime geniuses to living with the sinners...

From governor of the world to a servant for all...

From a magnanimous creditor to a slave...

From benefactor to persecuted...

From savior to helpless abandoned...

From a messenger of love to victim of hatred...

From redeemer of the ages to prisoner of the shadows...

From celestial pastor to an oppressed lamb...

From a powerful throne to the cross of martyrdom...

From a sanctifying verb to anguished silence...

From attorney of his flock to defenseless accused...

From the embrace of friends to the company of thieves...

From donor of eternal life to condemned in the valley of death...

He humbled and lessened Himself so that man could rise and forever shine!

Oh Master! What did you not do for us in order that we might learn the path to the Glorious Resurrection in the Kingdom?

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 62.