A Necessary Awakening
"Wake up. O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Paul (Ephesians, 5:14)
A great number of newcomers or not to the Christian groups, claim to have great difficulty in understanding and applying the teachings of Jesus. Some of them find obscurity in the texts, others persevere in the literary discussions. They become disturbed, they protest and reject the Divine bread for the human wrapping, which is required to preserve them on Earth.
Meanwhile, those friends do not perceive that this occurs because they remain dormant, victims of paralysis of their higher faculties.
In the majority of occasions, the Divine invitation slips by them through sanctifying suggestions; however, the distracted companions interpret them as sacred scenes, meriting praise, but very soon forgotten. The heart does not adhere remaining in a deafened sleep incapable of analyzing or understanding.
The individual needs to ask himself what he is doing, what he desires, what purpose he is seeking, and what he is aiming for. It is indispensable to self examine oneself, emerge from the animalism and stand up in order to master his own path.
Great masses, supposedly religious, are being conducted due to daily circumstances, as unconscious somnambulists. They talk about God, faith, and spirituality, as if they were breathing in a strange dark nightmarish atmosphere. Shaken up by the incessant currents of the river of life, they roll in the whirlwind of occurrences, blinded, sleepy, and half dead until they awaken and lift themselves up through their own effort, in order that the "Christ can enlighten them."
XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 68.