
"Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil because of the Son of Man." Jesus (Luke, 6:22)

The problem of the blessings requires serious reflections before being interpreted as a resolved question in the framework of knowledge.

Jesus confers the credential of blessed to the followers that share with Him the afflictions and the tasks; notwithstanding, it is important to point out that the Master classifies sacrifices and suffering as educational and redeeming blessings.

It is necessary then to know how to accept them.

This or that individual will be blessed for having created goodness within material poverty, by finding happiness in simplicity and in peace, for knowing how to maintain a long and divine hope in his heart.

However, what about the sincere adherence to the sacred obligations of the title?

The Master, upon reviewing teachings refers to the eternal blessings; but there are a rare few that get close to them, with that perfect understanding of one who approaches an immense treasure. The majority of the less fortunate on the terrestrial plane, upon being visited by pain, prefer the lament and despair. If they are invited to give testimony on renunciation, they slip to improper demands, and almost always, instead of working peacefully, get involved in undignified adventures in which they get lost in an uncontrolled ambition.

Jesus offered a great deal of blessings. However, only a rare few desire them. For this reason there are so many poor and many afflicted people who could be in great need in the world, but who are, as yet, not blessed by Heaven.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 89.