With Ardent Love
"Above all, love each other deeply" Peter (I Peter, 4:8)
It is not enough to proclaim virtue in favor of the establishment of the Divine Kingdom among mankind.
Problem extensively debated = solution much delayed.
Let us individually listen to the apostolic warning and swell with ardent charity, one for all.
To speak well, to teach with certainty, and to believe sincerely, are the primary phases of the service. It is crucial to work, to create and to feel with the Christ.
Fraternity simply suggested to others builds brilliant façades that experience can consume in one minute.
It is imperative to achieve the substance, the essence...
Let us be understanding with those who are ignorant, vigilant in relation to those who have gone astray in evil and in the shadows, patient toward those who are ill, serene toward the irritated, and above all, let us manifest goodwill toward all those who the Master entrusted to us for the daily teachings.
Prompt reasoning, being well prepared to act with agility on Earth, can constitute a valuable patrimony; on the other hand, if the heart is lacking in feeling for the problems, in conducting and resolving them for the common good, he will be susceptible to being easily converted into a calculator.
Let us not be detained in theoretic compassion.
Let us seek fraternal love, spontaneous, ardent and pure.
Heavenly charity not only scatters benefits, it also radiates the Divine Light.
XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 99.