Caesar and Us

"Then Jesus said to them: Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." (Mark, 12:17)

Everywhere in the world the individual will encounter according to his personal merits, the figure of Caesar symbolized in the state government.

Evil men will no doubt, produce evil statesmen.

Idle and indifferent groups will receive disorganized administrations.

In any case, the influence of Caesar will surround the individual, demanding the fulfillment of the material commitments.

It is imperative to give him what is his.

The student of the Gospel should not invoke religious principles or individual idealism, in order to escape from these obligations.

If there are errors in the laws, remember the extent of our individual debts with the Divine Providence, and let us collaborate with the human governing body, by offering our participation in the task and our good will, conscientiously aware that our disinterest or rebelliousness will not resolve our problems.

It is preferable for the disciple to sacrifice himself, go through suffering, than delaying his advancement while upholding respectable laws that direct him, transitorily, in the physical plane, whether it be through indiscipline in following the established principles or due to excessive enthusiasm that could tempt him to advance too rapidly at the time.

Are there iniquitous decrees?

Remember and see if you have already cooperated with those who govern the material world.

Live in harmony with your superiors, and do not forget that the best position to maintain is that of equilibrium.

If you intend to live correctly, do not direct the harsh bitter vinegar of your criticism to Caesar. Assist him with your capable efficiency and sensible desire to act correctly, fully convinced that he and we are children of the same God.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 102.