
"But godliness with contentment is great gain." Paul (I Timothy, 6:6)

Much is spoken on Earth about compassion, however, when we refer to this virtue, it is difficult for us to discern between compassion and humiliation.

"I help, but this individual is given to vice."

"I will assist, but this woman is ignorant and evil."

"It saddens me, however, that person is an ingrate and cruel."

"I feel compassion, but it involves a useless person."

Such affirmations are repeated often from lips that affirm to be Christian.

Truly, in general, we only encounter on Earth that soft compassionate voice and thorny hands.

It spreads honey and poison.

It places a balsam on the wounds as it rips them open.

It extends open arms and collects on debts of recognition.

It rescues and beats.

It protects but does not stimulate.

It offers kind words yet thrusts hostile retorts.

It appeases the hunger of the experienced travelers with bread full of bile.

The true compassion, however, is the legitimate daughter of love.

It wastes no time in stressing evil.

It is solely concerned with goodness instead of wasting effort with childishness and is aware that time is precious in life.

The Gospel does not refer to that false pity, full of illusions and demands. He, who reveals the sufficient energy to embrace a Christian life, finds the resources to assist happily. He does not become tied down to destructive criticism, and knows how to plant goodwill, fortify the seeds, cultivate the sprouts and await the production.

Paul says: "But godliness with contentment is great gain" for the soul, and truly we know of no other that could bring more prosperity to the heart.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 107.