Where Are They?
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Jesus (Matthew, 11:29)
Jesus directed His attention to the multitude of afflicted and disenchanted, and proclaimed His divine desire to alleviate them.
"Come to me," exclaimed the Master, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart."
His loving plea vibrated throughout the world and through all the centuries of Christianity.
Dense is the mob of the desperate and the oppressed of the Earth; thus, the warm friendly invitation.
It is just that in the words "Come to me" the Master naturally believes that those sad anxious souls would seek Him in order to acquire the Divine teaching. However, not all the afflicted intend to renounce the object of their despair, nor all those with sadness desire to flee from the shadow in order to encounter the light.
The majority of the discouraged try to satisfy their capricious criminal actions with the protection of Jesus, while emitting strange pleas.
However, when the sufferers sincerely direct their thoughts to the Christ, they will hear Him, in the silence of their inner sanctuary, inciting them to despise the reprehensible disputes of the inferior self.
Where are they, the afflicted of Earth who pretend to change the captivity of their own passions for the gentle yoke of Jesus Christ?
For them were those saintly words pronounced, "Come to me," reserving for them the powerful light of the Gospel for their indispensable renovation.
XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 130.