Let Us Remember Correctly

"Remember my chains." Paul (Colossians, 4:18)

In the customary childish reflections, the believers only remember the luminous aura of the spirits formerly sanctified on Earth.

Many imagine they will find them easily far away from beyond the grave, in order to receive precious remembrances from them.

They consider the Heavens as a brilliant resting place in the immensity of the cosmos.

How many will only remember Paul at his glorification? Meanwhile, in this observation to the Colossians, the great Apostle exhorts his friends to remember the prisons, as if to say, that the disciples should not maintain their thoughts in the foresight of celestial facilities, but rather, seriously reflect upon the proper work required to achieve the Divine Kingdom.

The conquest of sublime spirituality also has its avenues. It is indispensable to travel through them.

Before fixing our sight on the brilliant crown of the faithful Apostles, let us meditate on the thorns that wounded their forehead.

Paul was able to achieve these culminations, but how many assaults from the whips, racks and irony did he have to bear while adapting to the teachings of the Christ, as he scaled the mountains!

Do not notice solely the superiority manifested in those to whom you consecrate admiration and respect. Do not forget to imitate them adapting yourself to the sacrificing services to which they devoted themselves in order to reach the divine end.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 140.