It Is Not Solely That

"But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips." Paul (Colossians, 3:8)

In religious activity, many individuals believe that the reform of the personality begins from the moment that the disciple of the faith disassociates himself from certain material wealth.

An individual that distributes a large amount of clothes and food among the needy is recognized as being renewed in the Lord; although, this constitutes a form of true transformation, it does not represent the sum total of all the corresponding characteristics.

Some individuals dispose of their wealth in favor of charity, but they do not cede in their personal opinion, in the sublime effort of renunciation.

Enormous rows of students proclaim to be in readiness for the practice of goodness; however, they insist that others be the executers of charitable services.

All over, one can hear fervent promises of fidelity to Christ; however, no one will achieve this realization without observing the conjunction of necessary obligations.

A minor miscalculation in its construction can betray the equilibrium of an entire building. When any one dispossesses himself of any material patrimony, in favor of others, let him not forget to disintegrate in his very own steps, the old package of grudges, of the capricious illnesses, of quick judgments, or of criminal frailties, within which we maintain a masked face in order to appear that, which we are not.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 147.