Be Thankful
"And be thankful." Paul (Colossians, 3:15)
It is odd to perceive the great number of the students that are always intent on receiving blessings while, rarely, do we find anyone disposed to render them.
The spiritual resources, however, in its common mobilization, should obey the same system applied to the providences of a material order.
In the chapter dealing with the blessings of the soul, it is not correct to receive and waste senselessly; but rather, to be prudent and correct, so that the possibilities are not absorbed by the disorder or by injustice.
For this reason, in his instructions to the Christians of Colossus, the Apostle recommends that we be thankful.
Among the earnest disciples, the old habit of manifesting acknowledgement in a bombastic and flattering way is not justified. In the community of workers loyal to Jesus, to be thankful means to apply profitably the blessings received, not only for our fellow man, but for oneself as well.
For loving parents, the greatest appreciation from their children consists in an elevated understanding of the work, and of the life that they attest to.
Manifesting their gratitude to the Christ, the Apostles remained faithful until the last sacrifice; Paul of Tarsus received the call from the Master, and in a sign of happiness and of love, serves the Divine Cause by way of nameless suffering for over thirty successive years.
To be grateful shall not be merely an expression of brilliant words; rather, it is to feel the grandeur of the action in the light of its benefits, the generosity of the confidence and spontaneous reciprocation, in extending to others the treasures of life.
XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 163.