The Devil

"Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet, one of you is a devil." (John, 6:70)

When Theology refers to the devil, the believer immediately imagines a man of absolute evil, dominating in an endless hell.

In the concept of the student, the evil region is located in a distant sphere, in the entrails of tormented darkness.

Yes, the purgatorial zones are numerous and somber, terrible and painful, and according to the affirmation of Jesus Himself, the devil formed part of the apostolic services, remained near the disciples and one of them, would be constituted into a representation of the infernal spirit of evil himself. This said, we must be aware that the term devil did not indicate in the concept of the Master, a perverse giant, powerful and eternal in space and time. He designates man as if he were chained to the clumsiness of the inferior sentiment.

From that we can conclude that each human being presents certain percentage of diabolical expression, in the inferior part of his personality.

Satan symbolizes, then, the force that is contrary to righteousness.

When the individual discovers it, in his own vast world, he understands the evil, combats it, avoids his intimate hell and develops the divine qualities that elevate him to a superior spirituality.

Great multitudes are submerged in secular desperation for not having been able to identify this truth.

And commenting on the passage of the Apostle John, we are obliged to ponder: "If among the twelve Apostles, there was one that would convert into a devil, in spite of the divine mission of the circle that was destined to the transformation of the world, how many already exist in each group of ordinary men on Earth?"

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 164.