False Speeches

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." (James, 1:22)

It is never too much to comment on the importance and the sacred character of the word.

The Gospel itself affirms that in the beginning it was the Verb, and if we examine closely the actual state of the world today, we would recognize that all of the existing difficult situations originate in the poor application of the power of the verb.

False lectures fooled individuals, families and nations. Some believed in vain promises, others in false theories, others were still anticipating liberty without assuming the obligations. Races, groups and people upon identifying the illusion, mutually accuse one another, seeking the paternity of the faults.

The creation of the human verb has cost much blood and many tears. It would be impossible, at this time, to compute that painful price or determine the amount of time that will be required for the precious rescue.

In the whirlwind of the battles, the friend of the Christ can seek refuge and take advantage of the treasure of the Gospel, benefiting his individual sphere.

Being able to comply with the words of the Master within us is the divine program. Without instituting that plan for salvation, the balance of the services that are our responsibility would constitute sublimated theology, brilliant reasoning, magnificent literature, great admiration and respect from the inferior camp of the world, but never the required realization.

That is the reason why it is always dangerous to stop on the path, and listen to he who flees from the reality of our obligations.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 165.