At Dawn
"Early on this first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance." (John, 20:1)
We should not forget the circumstances in which Mary of Magdalene receives the first message regarding the resurrection of the Master.
In the midst of the disorders and disenchantments of the small community, the great converted one wastes no time in sterile laments nor does she seek sleep to forget.
The companions had broken the pattern of confidence. Between the remorse of their own defection and the bitterness over the sacrificing of the Savior, whose sublime lesson, as yet, they were not able to learn, they became confused over negative attitudes. Contradictory thoughts and anguish pierced their hearts.
Magdalene, however, breaks the painful emotional veil that engulfs her steps. It is crucial not to yield under this burden transforming them, above all, in a basic element toward spiritual growth, and Mary resolved not to become fearful in the face of the pain. Because the Christ had been sacrificed on the cross, it would not be fair to condemn this loving memory to forgetfulness or to indifference.
Vigilant, attentive to her needs, prior to satisfying old conventions, she goes forth to confront the great obstacle, which was the grave. Very early, prior to awakening her very own friends, she encounters the radiant reply of the Eternal Life.
Recalling that symbolic occurrence, let us remember our prior falls, for having forgotten the "first day of the week," changing on every occasion "the earliest" for "the latest."
XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 168.