The Law of Usage

"When they all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples: Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." (John 6:12)

Once the "Law of usage" is observed, misery will flee from the human path.

To counter waste and selfishness, the work of each one of us is imperative because once the equilibrium is identified, the service of economic justice will be complete, as long as goodwill exists among us.

The excerpt from the Gospel that describes the task of feeding the multitudes, signals important words of the Lord with regards to the left over bread, transmitting a teaching of profound significance to the disciples.

Generally, the earnest student in the first dazzling understanding of the revealing faith desires to undo himself in the meritorious activities, not based on true harmony.

There we have, without a doubt a laudable impulse, yet, even in the distribution of the material possessions it is indispensable to avoid lack of control or excesses.

The Father does not eliminate winter, because a few of His children complain about the cold, but rather, He equalizes the situation by giving them covers.

Charity calls for enthusiasm; however, it also insists in generous discernment, so that the heart is not inclined toward indifference.

In the great assembly of the needy of the mount, with certainty, there was no lack of lazy and reckless persons ready to render useless the remainder of the bread without just cause. However, Jesus, before the frivolous manifested themselves, clearly recommended: "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." This, as in everything, man should recognize that the usage is understandable in the Law, despising abuse that is the mortal poison in all the fountains of life

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 171.