Let Us Guard Our Mental Health

"Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things." Paul (Colossians, 3:2)

Primitive Christianity was not unaware of the necessity of a sound healthy mind enlightened by superior aspirations, in the lives of those who embrace the renovating essence of the Gospel.

The work of present notable thinkers finds its roots much earlier.

Today, those who deal with mediumistic phenomena know that the death of the flesh does not impose celestial pleasures.

The individual finds himself beyond the tomb with the virtues and defects, ideas and vices, to which he dedicated himself while in the physical body.

The criminal becomes drawn to the circle of his own crimes, when they are not chained to the accomplices of the original fault committed.

The miser is tied to the superfluous wealth that he abusively hoarded.

The proud remains tied to the fleeting titles.

The alcoholic makes the rounds looking for the possibility of satisfying the thirst that controls his centers of force.

He who has been passionate over capricious organizations "of the self" wastes long days to disassociate himself from the veil of illusion, in which his personality is segregated.

The program precedes the service.

The project charts the realization.

Thought is a radiating energy. If we spread it on Earth we will naturally be attached to the ground. Let us elevate it toward the Heights, and we will win the sublime spirituality.

Our spirit will reside wherever we project our thoughts, living bases of goodness and evil. For this very reason Paul stated wisely "Set your mind on things above."

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 177.